Shedd Theatricals OPEN AUDITION
March 8, 2025
The Shedd Institute will conduct Open Theatricals Auditions on Saturday March 8, 9:00 am to 7 pm (required dance call at 4 pm). Auditions are by APPOINTMENT ONLY through The Shedd online form here. Auditioners will be considered for roles in the following 2025 Shedd Theatricals productions:
  • A CONNECTICUT YANKEE (July 11-20, 2025 [6 perf] - rehearsals begin Jun 9) Direction by Heidi Turnquist; Music Direction by Robert Ashens. Lead, supporting, and ensemble roles for men and women with experience in acting, singing and dancing classic musical comedy and theatre.
  • PAL JOEY (Oct 3-12 [6 perf] - rehearsals begin August 31) Direction & choreography by Richard Jessup; Music Direction by Robert Ashens. Lead, supporting, and ensemble roles for men and women with experience in acting, singing and dancing classic musical comedy and theatre.
  • OKLAHOMA! (Nov 28-Dec 14 [9 perf] - rehearsals begin Oct 26) Direction by Erica Towe; Music Direction by Robert Ashens. Lead, supporting, and ensemble roles for men and women with experience in acting, singing and dancing classic musical comedy and theatre; supporting roles for children (aged 8 and up).
REHEARSALS: Rehearsals for all Shedd Institute productions run 6 days per week: Mon-Fri 6-10:30 pm and Sun 5:30-10:30 pm. Saturdays and major holidays are off. Actors are not scheduled every day, but must be available as needed throughout the production. Schedules are posted weekly, 1 week in advance. A limited number of pre-planned absences are permitted subject to the approval of the production manager.
IN-PERSON OPEN AUDITION PROCEDURE: In-Person auditions are preferred and advised. Please follow the steps below to schedule your audition time.
   Prepare (a) a short memorized monologue that demonstrates your acting ability and (b) a song selection from the classic period of musical comedy and musical theatre (1920-60) that demonstrates your skills as a singer. We strongly recommend that you DO NOT prepare a song from a more recent period, and that you choose an arrangement that is in a classical musical comedy/musical theatre style. You must sing using the Shedd's audition accompanist, so bring music. Your monologue and song selection must each be no more than 1 minute. Do not prepare your monologue or choose a song from the shows in The Shedd's immediate production schedule. If you are asked to attend a dance audition (it would be held on the same day as your acting/singing audition), make sure to bring appropriate dance shoes and attire.
Shedd Theatricals Audition Registration Form
Make sure to enter all required fields
Applicant Information
First Required
Last Required
Street - include apartment/suite number Required
City Required
Zip Required
Phone 1
Phone 2
Email Required
Gender Req'd
Age Req'd
Height Req'd
Vocal Range Req'd
Additional information you'd like us to know
Parent or guardian name(s)
Phone 1
Phone 2
Email Required
Interest & Availability (check all productions for which you wish to be considered)
Audition Option (Select Option 1 or 2.)

  (not recommended if you're not an established Shedd actor)

   Mar 8, 9 am - 1 pm
   Mar 8, 1 - 4 pm
   Mar 8, 5 - 7 pm
  Attendance at the 4-5 pm dance call is required for adults.
  Callbacks will be announced at auditions as needed.
Audition process comments or questions

We will confirm your application by return email.
SHEDD CASTING PROTOCOLS: The Shedd Institute assesses actors for its musical theatre productions on an ongoing basis, and often casts by invitation bases on past auditions or work with an actor. It offers open in-person auditions and, at times, separate auditions for youth under 16, approximately every 6 months. Each audition focusses on several upcoming productions and often the majority of roles in a show are filled up to 6 months before we go into production. Our open auditions afford the best way for actors unknown by The Shedd creative team or actors who wish to keep in front of that team to do so. Actors who cannot participate in the most immediate Shedd production are strongly advised to audition in order to be in the best position for favorable consideration for roles in subsequent productions. If you choose not to or cannot audition but still have interest in being a part of our productions, you still need to fill out this online audition registration indicating your interest.
SUGGESTIONS:The 3 musicals in the Shedd's 2024 season are from 2 distinct periods in the history of musical theatre: A CONNECTICUT YANKEE (1927/43, Richard Rodgers, Lorenz Hart & Herbert Fields) is characteristic Golden Age of Musical Comedy (1924-43); PAL JOEY (1940, Richard Rodgers, Lorenz Hart & John O'Hara) and OKLAHOMA! (1943, Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II) is at the beginning of the Golden Age of Musical Theatre (1943-65). Each show suggests its own approach to acting, singing and dancing consistent with the era of its creation and the especial vision and artistic leanings of its creators. Keep this in mind as you prepare for your audition. We recommend that you DO NOT prepare songs from the post mid-1960s period, and that you choose arrangements that are in a classical musical comedy/musical theatre style; similarly, we advise you to choose your monologue from the period 1930s-early '50s as well.