The Shedd is pleased to welcome ukulele master Jake Shimabukuro back to Jaqua Concert Hall. Since gaining prominence in the early 2000s, Jake has mesmerized audiences with his innovative and dynamic style, taking the instruments to dizzying new heights. Over a dozen solo albums, Shimabukuro has shown a knack for moving effortlessly between genres, sometimes in the same song. There is enough great ukulele work going on these days to know what the instrument is capable of. In Shimabukuro's hands, it is capable of the impossible. He has transformed the four-string ukulele into an infinitely pliable musical vehicle, capable of generating everything from crunching, Hendrix-influenced rock to sensuously swinging jazz. Jake views the ukulele as an "untapped source of music with unlimited potential". His virtuosity defies label or category. Playing jazz, blues, funk, classical, bluegrass, folk, flamenco, and rock, Jake's mission is to show everyone that the ukulele is capable of so much more than only the traditional Hawaiian music with which it is normally associated.